An unexpected project outcome: from artist interview to autobiography book
As a part of the CAPuS project, in June 2018 Sagita Mirjam Sunara and Tina TomšiÄŤ (University of Split) interviewed Jelena Trpković, an artist who participated in the Sisak Steelworks Fine Artists’ Colony in 1980. Although Trpković did not produce a sculpture in Sisak (she is a painter), through the interview she contributed to the research into the history of the colony and the context in which the artworks were created. Before the interview Trpković revealed that during her stay in Sisak she exchanged letters with her husband, in which she gave......

Poster presentation at the National Conference of the Italian Association of Archaeometry
Results from the CAPuS project are being presented by University of Turin and Conservation and Restoration Centre “La Venaria Reale”  through a poster presentation at the National Conference of the Italian Association of Archaeometry. The Congress, held in Reggio Calabria from 27 to 29 March 2019, was focused on the role of Archaeometry in Museums and Exhibitions. The poster “Painting materials and decay phenomena in urban art: the case of the Urban Art Museum in Turin” exhibited the results of artists’ interviews and preliminary diagnostic campaign on three artworks in the city of......

Poster presentation at the international symposium Acting in Contemporary Art Conservation in Amersfoort and Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split) presented a poster at the international symposium Acting in Contemporary Art Conservation, which was held in Amersfoort and Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 15th and 16th November 2018. Â Organized by the Dutch Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (SBMK), the two-day symposium included 20 oral presentations and 21 poster presentations. More than a hundred proposals from all over the world were received! Sunara’s poster “Of Art and Men: The Conservator as Story Collector” focuses on the interviews she is conducting as a part of the research......