Work Package 10 (Dissemination): Final Report
Work Package 10 aimed at defining strategies and tools for raising awareness and sharing knowledge on contemporary public art conservation. To ensure the maximum efficiency of communication and the greatest project impact, a number of communication and dissemination tools and channels were used, and the content was tailored to specific target audiences. Download PDF: Final Report...

Recordings of the CAPuS final event now available!
The recordings of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) final event, which took place online on June 4–5, 2021, are available in the ‘Resources’ section: link...

Conservation of Art in Public Spaces project online conference (June 4–5, 2021)
The final event of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project is a two-day online conference (June 4–5, 2021) that will feature presentations of the main project results, as well as contributions from international experts in the field of public art conservation. The event is the culmination of the three-year research project that was jointly carried out by 14 partner institutions from five European countries: Italy, Spain, Croatia, Germany and Poland. Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. Please follow the links below for further......

Work Package 5 (Implementation of a Conservation Methodology): Final Report
The CAPuS team is happy to announce that WP5, devoted to the implementation of a conservation methodology, is finally concluded. Below you can find the WP5 Final Report and other related documents: WP5 report Glossary (English+ bilingual versions) Conservation guidelines Condition Reports for all the artworks that were studied during the project...

Webinar “Materials and Methods for Public Art Conservation. Strategies for contemporary murals”
“MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR PUBLIC ART CONSERVATION. STRATEGIES FOR CONTEMPORARY MURALS” (8-9-10 April, 2021) organized by CESMAR7 ended successfully and with a wide and lively participation. During the three days event, contributions on project results from all the partnership teams alternated with helpful insights for restorers and conservators. The first day opened with Dominique Scalarone (University of Turin, project leader) and saw various speakers on evolution of art in public spaces issues, with the contributions of Maria Fratelli and Clara Amodeo (journalist, Another Scratch in the Wall); subsequently the discussion moved on to......

The launch of the Digital Repository of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project
The Digital Repository of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project was launched on February 27, 2021, and as is available at this link: http://repository.capusproject.eu/ The repository stores, preserves and provides access to a wide range of information and documentation on the contemporary public artworks that were studied within the project – almost a hundred murals and sculptures from Italy, Croatia, Spain, Poland and Germany. The repository is one of the main CAPuS project outputs. It was conceived by Dr Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split – Arts Academy), and......

Work Package 4 (Testing of the selected products): Final Report
The CAPuS team is delighted to announce the completion of Work Package 4 which focused on testing of selected products for conservation treatments. The report includes two appendices: (1) collaborative work on coatings analytical research and properties comparison, and (2) Croatian team’s work related to the removal of aged coatings from outdoor painted steel sculptures, and their repainting....

Work Package 3 (Analytical characterisation of the selected artworks): Final Report
Work Package 3 has been completed! This work package was devoted to analytical characterisation of selected artworks (murals and outdoor sculptures). The work included analysis of materials, and of their degradation products. Identification and classification of degradation processes was also carried out. View / download PDF files:...

Third meeting of the CAPuS project (Milan, Italy)
The meeting took place in Milan, at  World Trade Center Malpensa Airport on June 11 2019. Each team showed  presentations on past and ongoing activities in WP2, WP3 and WP4. It was a useful and important meeting in order to have updates about the work performed and tasks ahead. The next meeting will be held in October 2019, and will be hosted by the Conservation and Restoration Centre La Venaria Reale....