Kick-off meeting of the CAPuS project (Turin, Italy)

The kick-off meeting of the Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) project was held on March 15 and 16, 2018 at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Turin, Italy. The meeting brought together representatives of almost all the partner institutions, providing them with an opportunity to meet in person and to discuss a wide variety of topics.
Dominique Scalarone (University of Turin) welcomed the participants and gave a general overview of the project. Staff of the University of Turin’s International Relations Office briefly discussed administrative and financial issues. Work package leaders presented contents, outcomes and action plans for each work package. Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split, Croatia) talked about socio-cultural collocation of artworks (WP2). Tytus Sawicki (Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland) tackled the issue of the analytical characterization of selected artworks (WP3). Wolfgang Müller (Schmincke, Germany) discussed the testing of selected products (WP4). Implementation of a conservation methodology (WP5) was the topic of Paola Croveri’s presentation (Conservation and Restoration Centre “La Venaria Reale”, Italy), while Monica Gulmini and Floriana Vindigni (University of Turin, Italy) talked about the implementation of an innovative formative module (WP6). Ilaria Saccani (CESMAR7, Italy) and Chiara Panari (University of Parma, Italy) focused on quality assurance (WP8). Panari then went on to talk about project evaluation (WP9), and Saccani presented the work package connected to dissemination (WP10).
The next meeting will be held in mid-July, and will be hosted by the University of Split.
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