Participation at the 8th University Business Forum in Brussels, Belgium
CAPuS project participated in the 8th University Business Forum in Brussels. Two days of fruitful discussions and exchange of ideas on Innovation and Sustainable Development. Excellent opportunity to promote CAPuS activities!...

Two presentations of the CAPuS project in Chennai, India
On August 24, 2019, Sagita Mirjam Sunara and Vedran Perkov (University of Split) gave a talk on the CAPuS project at the Faculty of Architecture of the Dr M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute in Chennai, India. The presentation was primarily intended for participants of the “Smart Tools – International Urban Design and Conservation Workshop”, which Sunara co-led with Shraddha Bhatawadekar (Brandenburg University of Technology) and Cathy Daly (University of Lincoln). The lecture was a part of Madras Week – a festival that commemorates the founding of Madras (now Chennai), the capital of......

8th Conservation-Restoration Workshop in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park
The 8th Conservation- Restoration Workshop in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park took place in Sisak, Croatia, from 17th to 23rd June 2019. The workshop was organized and led by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split). Sisak Municipal Museum provided a space for lectures, and the Museum’s conservator-restorer Neven Peko transported the participants to and from the sculpture park. Accompanied by Moira Bertasa, researcher at the Chemistry Department of the University of Turin, five conservation-restoration students from Turin participated in the workshop: Anna Collarin, Valeria Gugliermina, Gaia Pachì, Cristina Scarrone and Camila Ayelen......

Presentation of the CAPuS project at the conference “Street art. Writers tra diritto e mercato” in Milan, Italy
Alessandra Tibiletti (Scientific Committee CESMAR7) presented CAPuS activities and researches during the round table of the one day conference “Street art. Writers tra diritto e mercato” organized by Negri-Clementi Studio Legale Associato, Fondazione Corriere della Sera and Galleria Campari at Galleria Campari in Milan, 18th June 2019. The conference brought together different specialists, such as artists, lawyers, restorers, art conservators to study in deep the Street Art’s world by different points of view. The oral presentation exhibited the selection of artworks in Milan, their conservation and the results from the artists’ interviews....

Third meeting of the CAPuS project (Milan, Italy)
The meeting took place in Milan, at  World Trade Center Malpensa Airport on June 11 2019. Each team showed  presentations on past and ongoing activities in WP2, WP3 and WP4. It was a useful and important meeting in order to have updates about the work performed and tasks ahead. The next meeting will be held in October 2019, and will be hosted by the Conservation and Restoration Centre La Venaria Reale....

Poster Prize Award for the University of Turin team at the Technart Conference 2019 in Bruges, Belgium
The CAPuS staff of the University of Turin presented  the poster “CAPuS project and the European challenge to conserve Street Art: characterization of painting materials and degradation of the pictorial layer” (M. Bertasa ,C. Ricci, T. Poli, M. Gulmini , P. Croveri , A. Scarcella, D. Scalarone) at Technart Conference 2019, The European conference on the use of analytical methods for Characterisation of Works of Art, held in Bruges, Belgium, from 7 to 10 May 2019. The research was focused on the results of an analytical campaign on painting materials from contemporary......

Lecture at the 2019 Festival of Science in Split, Croatia
Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split) participated at the 2019 Festival of Science in Split, where she gave a talk on the painted steel sculpture Object II by Josip Diminić (1979) from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park. The lecture titled “U potrazi za izgubljenim bojama: konzerviranje-restauriranje skulpture Objekt II autora Josipa Diminića iz Parka skulptura Ĺ˝eljezare Sisak” was held in the northern tower of the Split University Library on April 9, 2019. The sculpture Object II had been in a state of great deterioration and underwent an extensive conservation-restoration treatment in 2014.......

Poster presentation at the National Conference of the Italian Association of Archaeometry
Results from the CAPuS project are being presented by University of Turin and Conservation and Restoration Centre “La Venaria Reale”  through a poster presentation at the National Conference of the Italian Association of Archaeometry. The Congress, held in Reggio Calabria from 27 to 29 March 2019, was focused on the role of Archaeometry in Museums and Exhibitions. The poster “Painting materials and decay phenomena in urban art: the case of the Urban Art Museum in Turin” exhibited the results of artists’ interviews and preliminary diagnostic campaign on three artworks in the city of......

CAPuS project presentation at the TECHNOHERITAGE2019 in Seville, Spain
UVIGO team has presented the CAPuS project during TECHNOHERITAGE2019, the IV International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Seville (Spain),  from 26 to 30 March 2019. Teresa Rivas showed the paper “Deterioration of art in public spaces: first assessment of the problems for its conservation” (T. Rivas, E.M. Alonso-Villar, JS. Pozo-Antonio) with first results of the project about documentaiton and analytical approach. The oral communication aroused curiosities and many questions were formulated....

Presentation of the CAPuS project at the 14th Night of Museums in Croatia
IT expert Toni Tabak, university teacher and researcher Sagita Mirjam Sunara, and conservation-restoration student Jelena HudinÄŤec (University of Split) presented the CAPuS project at the 14th Night of Museums in Sisak. The Night of Museums (Croatian: Noć muzeja) is an annual event held across Croatia, usually on the last Friday in January, in which entry to museums and cultural institutions is free. This year’s event focused on innovations and the digital future. Sisak Municipal Museum prepared a rich and varied program for the 2019 edition of the Night of Museums. It included......