Presentation of CAPuS educational activities at the 2020 European Heritage Days in Croatia

On September 29, 2020 Dr Sagita Mirjam Sunara (University of Split – Arts Academy) delivered an online lecture “Protection of artworks in public spaces: educational activities carried out as a part of the international project Conservation of Art in Public Spaces / CAPuS”. The lecture was part of the 2020 European Heritage Days ‘Heritage and Education – Learning for Life’. It was streamed on the Facebook page of the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split, and the recording can be viewed here.
Sunara gave an overview of the educational activities that she carried out as part of the CAPuS project. Some activities were related to the courses she teaches at the integrated undergraduate and graduate program of study in conservation-restoration at the Arts Academy in Split, while some were carried out as extracurricular activities.
The lecture focused on two conservation-restoration workshops in the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park (2018 and 2019; you can read about them here and here), on the diploma project of student Jelena Hudinčec, and on the research that student Lucija Jolić carried out as an extracurricular activity.
Hudinčec’s diploma project includes, among other things, extensive research into the sculptural production of the Sisak Steelworks Artists’ Colony. This research helps determine how many sculptures have gone missing after the termination of the Colony in the early 1990s. Based on the image material collected, it will be possible to initiate a search for some of the missing artworks. Student Lucija Jolić explored treatment options for two sculptures from the Sisak Steelworks Sculpture Park. She focused on the sculptures that were not executed according to the artist’s wishes.
A summary of Sunara’s lecture was included in a booklet published by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, which can be downloaded here.
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